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Make Your Home More Connected to Nature

Bring Balance to Your Day and Improve Your Health with a Smart Home Based on Biophilia

Make Your Home More Connected to Nature

Modern technology has brought many benefits, revolutionizing how we work, play, and live. The luxury and convenience of your smart home allow you to enjoy media from around the world in the highest quality audio and video, transporting you to other worlds and dimensions. 

With all the advances connecting us to people and ideas, we can suffer from a disconnection from the natural world around us. Without regular exposure to the outside world and its cycles, our general outlook, emotions, and general well-being suffer.

Enter the design concept of biophilia. When applied by forward-thinking architects, designers, and AV integrators can make your Portland, OR home happier, healthier, and better integrated with nature. Are you looking for a better way to connect? Continue reading to learn more. 

See Also: Control4 Makes Your Home More Intuitive

Windows On the World

The pop songs of the ’60s heralded ‘Here Comes the Sun’ and to ‘Let the Light Shine On In,’ bringing with them the feeling of renewal and regeneration of the senses. So, it is with the same sentiment that daylighting is a universal feature of newer houses.

While the benefits of natural sunlight on humans are clear, including better focus and resistance to illnesses, too much of a good thing causes a home to become overheated and stuffy. Motorized shades, either by manual control or connected to sensors, helps you generate the optimal environment of natural light with comfort.

Sleep As Nature Intended

The continuous cycle of the sun rising and setting dictates our human patterns of vibrant focus and quality of rest. Likewise, the sun has shaped human evolution over the millennia, generating the cues our bodies use to be the most active and sleep. 

Circadian-based lighting maximizes the natural light, matching the hues and intensity throughout the day and supplementing where needed. The result is a more energetic workday and a completely restful slumber, making you happier and healthier. 

Outdoor Entertaining

Nothing connects you to nature more than enjoying it directly. Your backyard is the perfect place to blur the lines between indoors and out. With an outdoor entertainment system, you can immerse yourself with a movie under the stars or revel in the music giving your family barbecue a bit of groove and sass.

Add outdoor televisions and all-weather speakers that furnish outstanding quality, compensating for the elements but never replacing the beauty of blue skies above you and the lush green of your property. 

A Naturally Better Home

A house that enhances your lifestyle and connection to the world improves your creativity, productivity, and sense of satisfaction. Are you ready to make a change for the better? Call us at 503-224-9400 or fill out our contact form to start the conversation! We look forward to working with you. 

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