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Improve Outdoor Entertainment With a Distributed Speaker System

A dispersed sound system in your backyard guarantees a more even, higher-quality listening experience

Improve Outdoor Entertainment With a Distributed Speaker System

If you’re looking for new ways to spend more time outside, consider adding an outdoor sound system to your backyard or patio area. Music boosts the ambiance of any outdoor venture in Lake Oswego, OR, whether you’re flying solo by the pool or enjoying a backyard barbeque with the family.

At Encore Audio Video, we recommend evenly distributed speakers to ensure stellar sound quality throughout your outdoor area. Keep reading to learn the top 3 benefits of wide dispersion and how we can help you design a system to fit your space.  

SEE ALSO: Encore Audio Video Presents: Bring the Comforts of Home Outdoors


Top 3 Benefits of a Distributed Sound System Outside

First, forget everything you know about indoor speaker design. Out in the wild, sound lives by a whole different set of rules. Outside, several speakers are more effective because the audio is competing with open space, wildlife and environmental sounds, traffic noise and loud neighbors. By setting up an array of speakers throughout your backyard, you’ll be building a system that directs sound inward — toward listeners — and guarantees a better listening experience. Here are some additional benefits of a distributed system.

1. Better sound quality and coverage. When we listen to music indoors, we hear 2 types of sound: direct sound (sound that travels from the speaker to your ear) and reflected sound (sound that reflects off the walls, floor, ceiling and furniture and then travels to your ear). In the great outdoors, you no longer have walls or furniture to reflect sound, so 1 or 2 speakers sitting on your patio will start to sound weaker as you move further into your backyard. An array of speakers provides better sound coverage across your entire space. Sonance’s Landscape Series includes small satellite speakers with in-ground subwoofers you can integrate throughout your outdoor spaces for powerful bass and even sound transmission.

2. A better aesthetic. Small satellite landscape speakers are designed to be inconspicuous. From Sonance’s Landscape Series, you can choose options that are easily camouflaged among surrounding plants and foliage or speakers that resemble rocks. Sonance also has landscape speakers that mimic the shape and design of landscape lighting fixtures.    

3. Better scalability. A multiple-speaker system is ideal if you want to start small and add more audio coverage later. Sonance systems are flexible and scalable, and you have the option to connect additional speakers and subwoofers when you’re ready to expand your sound system to cover a larger space.   

Turn to a Professional Integrator for Your Outdoor Sound System Installation

A professional integrator like Encore Audio Video can help you achieve optimal performance from your outdoor speaker system. Based on the size of your space, we can recommend the right number of speakers for your system and the best placement to ensure even sound coverage. We can also recommend networking solutions — like wireless access points — to extend your wireless signals outside so you can enjoy uninterrupted music from streaming services like Pandora and Spotify.

At Encore Audio Video, we can set up your sound system to let indoor entertainment follow you outdoors by integrating outside speakers within the same multi-zone audio system that manages your home audio. When all your music is accessible under one platform, it’s straightforward and convenient to use a smartphone, tablet or remote to send music from the living room to the patio with the touch of a button.

Our experts can help design and install a custom sound solution for your Lake Oswego, OR, outdoor space. Contact us today by calling 503-224-9400 or filling out an online contact form. You can also chat with our staff using the live chatbox on your screen.

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