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Encore Audio Video Presents: How to Improve the Quality of Your AV Equipment

Learn how to maximize picture and sound quality without replacing your AV equipment

Encore Audio Video Presents: How to Improve the Quality of Your AV Equipment

What are some unique (and budget-friendly) ways to improve your home equipment’s audio and video quality? That’s the question Jeff Grove and Clark von Trotha answer for inquiring residents in Vancouver, WA, on this podcast episode of the Northwest Business radio show.

If you aren’t seeing or hearing the quality you want from your AV installation, don’t rush out to buy a new TV just yet. On this podcast episode, Grove and von Trotha explain 3 ways you can achieve high end audio and video without upgrading your existing equipment.

Sneak a peek into their solutions below and then listen to the podcast for yourself!

SEE ALSO: Encore Audio Video Presents: Take Control With Home Automation

1. Maximize Your Space

Placement is everything for good audio and video quality in a room, say Grove and von Trotha. Imagine how a nearby window or lighting fixture could affect what you’re hearing and seeing. Will light from a lamp cause a glare on the TV screen? Will noise from outdoors clash with speaker output? Small changes in equipment placement can result in significant quality improvements, especially if you have high end audio and video hardware.

Improving room acoustics can also help maximize your space for better sound and picture. According to Grove and von Trotha, many people don’t realize what a huge role the room itself plays in sound quality. If your AV equipment lives in a hard-surfaced room (think walls connected to a hardwood floor), just adding a soft surface like window treatments or a throw rug can reduce sound reverberation.

After reading this, you may be asking yourself: But how do I know what the best placement is for my equipment? Grove and von Trotha recommend hiring an integrator, an expert at designing and calibrating custom AV systems for all kinds of spaces.

2. Buy the Right Cabling

Cable quality matters. High-end cables have active components that are more powerful and improve sound and video fidelity. If you feel overwhelmed by the cable choices available, call Grove and von Trotha at Encore Audio Video. They stock high-end cables and are happy to help you find the right type of cabling to match your existing equipment.

3. Clean Up Your Power

The power running through your electronics is polluted. Dips, spikes, surges, interference and voltage fluctuations damage your AV equipment and reduce sound and picture quality. A power conditioning device removes noise and smooths out the fluctuations and interference affecting your system performance. Your equipment will deliver better audiovisual quality and have a longer lifespan.

Grove and von Trotha are here to help you with all your home technology projects in Vancouver, WA, and surrounding areas. Need advice on proper placement for AV equipment and where to find a power conditioning device? Call us at 503-224-9400. Looking for a professional integrator to design and install a high end audio and video system in your home? Call us or fill out our online contact form.

And don’t forget to follow our podcast!

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