Tips to Keep Your Home Networking Solutions Secure
Easy Ways to Optimize the Security of Your Home Network

Our home networks are more important than ever to our daily lives. With TV streaming, digital computing, smart home features, and more, we rely on our networks for work, entertainment, and home management. Keeping your home networking solutions secure doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following a few simple tips outlined in this blog and seeking professional advice from a local Vancouver, WA, resource like Encore Audio Video when needed, you can continue to enjoy the benefits of connected living in a safe way.
SEE ALSO: Connect Faster, Smarter, More Securely with Wi-Fi 6
Tip #1: Prioritize Strong Passwords
A simple and effective way to secure a home network is by using strong passwords. When possible, it’s best to choose a password that’s 12 or more characters long and includes a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid default passwords, and never reuse a password you’ve used for something else. An easy way to create and manage your strong passwords is by using a password manager. Keeping a strong password for each device and account in your home is a smart defensive play against unauthorized logins.
Tip #2: Perform Regular Updates
Network devices like routers and modems run on firmware that requires regular updates to protect against security threats. Your computer also requires updates to install the most recent patches and updates to your operating system. Whenever possible, enable automatic updates for your devices and prioritize completing them promptly—even when given the option to delay. Updating your devices ensures they have the latest security defenses and improvements.
Tip #3: Secure Your Wi-Fi Network
Many homeowners don’t realize how serious protecting your home’s Wi-Fi is. An unprotected network is an easy way for criminals to access your home’s devices. Here are some steps to enhance your Wi-Fi security:
- Change the Default Network Name: Avoid using personal information in your network name. Instead, choose a name that doesn’t reveal your identity, address, or router information.
- Enable WPA3 Encryption: WPA3 is the latest Wi-Fi security standard and offers better protection than older options.
- Use a Strong Wi-Fi Password: Like your other passwords, choose a strong password to protect your Wi-Fi.
- Disable Guest Networks When Not in Use: If you don't need a guest network, turn it off to minimize entry points for hackers.
Tip #4: Consult with Networking Professionals
If you're unsure about any of the tips we’ve provided here or want to ensure your network is as secure and efficient as possible, consider a consultation with our networking team. In Vancouver, WA, Encore Audio Video offers expert home networking solutions to keep your devices running. Our team can assess your network setup and recommend the best practices and equipment to satisfy your needs.
Ensuring a secure and efficient home network doesn't have to be a time-consuming task. You can enjoy the benefits of a connected home with greater peace of mind by simply following these tips and seeking advice when needed. Contact us today to learn about our home networking solutions and how to create a safe and reliable network for your home.