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Elevate Your Home Entertainment with a Private Cinema

Enjoy Theater-Worthy Entertainment at Home

Elevate Your Home Entertainment with a Private Cinema

One of our favorite American pastimes is going to the movies. In recent years, though, streaming services like Netflix, Disney, and Amazon have made it easier to watch the things we want to see at home. Coupled with the high production values of new television series that rival or even exceed filmit’s becoming less attractive to drive to a theater and spend three times as much as you would for a similar experience from your couch. This has many homeowners investing more in home theater systems, and if you are really a film buff, you may want to have your own private cinema at home. But how does one convert a space in their Vancouver, WA home into a high-end theater? With the help from one of our expert home theater designers and considering your preferences and priorities, you can have the private cinema you’ve always wanted. Keep reading for more. 

SEE ALSO: Design Your Home Theater With These Hidden Technologies 

Cinema Quality Picture 

We love movies because it allows us to escape, feel moved, frightened, awed, and sometimes even teaches us something. Regardless of why, when you sit down to watch a film, you want to become immersed in it. Bigger screens and higher resolution televisions can be found in abundance in the market. Finding the right one to take your home theater to cinema-quality by evaluating what type of experience you want. A smaller home theater room might be able to use one of the newest 98-inch 4K and 8K TVs as the displaygiving you an immersive screen size not possible from a TV display just a few short years ago. For larger theaters, a projector is the way to go. The best high-resolution 4K and 8K projectors from Sony and other manufacturers can optimize the picture for the multiple film formats like anamorphic, and feature the latest technologies like HDR and full-gamut color reproduction for a stellar visual experience.  Couple a projector with screens from vendors like Stewart Filmscreen, available in different materials that can control light reflections in home theaters with variable lighting conditions.  

Sound Considerations 

Sound is critical to the full cinema experience. That’s because it’s more than just good audio and speakers.  Room acoustics also have to be considered for a home theater surround sound systemThe ideal situation is a rectangular room dedicated to home theater, but many homeowners want multipurpose home theaters that may double as game roomsRegardless of your design, a home theater designer can design room acoustic solutions that not only enhance the listening experience but reduce the transmission of noise to or from other rooms. Seating configurations, ceiling heights, and speaker placement all play a critical role in designing the home theater soundscape 


A professional home theater designer takes into account all these elements and many more to create the ideal custom private cinema that you will enjoy for years in your home. To get started on yours, give us a call at 503-224-9400 or chat with us online. We look forward to working with you.  

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